Follow Your Path

(Self) Relationship & Mindset Counselling and Mentorship

There is nothing that impacts the quality of your life experience more than the relationship you have with yourself.

A strong & healthy Self-Esteem is the foundation of a life of empowerment, authenticity, fulfillment, and true freedom.

My life’s work: I’m here to guide you into knowing yourself at the deepest level you ever thought possible. Where you will create and experience an entirely new story of you.

One where you love who you are, you know your value, you believe in yourself entirely, and nothing shakes you out of that knowing. You feel not just comfortable but powerful in your own skin again.

Old habits of Self-Abandonment morph into Self-Trust & integrity where you are following through on decisions you choose to make in your life. You’re no longer judging yourself and getting in your own way. You know who the FUCK YOU ARE!

Life is no longer just getting by and hoping one day things will get better. It’s now become a grand adventure where you’ve taken charge and decided to live your truth and create your experience the way you want it to be over what you inherited from childhood/adolscent years

Follow Your Path 

Private 1:1 Counselling & Mentorship

4-month program designed to align you with your unique & authentic path. This is the beginning of an entirely new story.

A total lifestyle shift, resetting of the mind, and embodiment of true confidence & authenticity.

Mystiq Journey: A private 1:1 guided experience

An experiential deep dive into the subconscious mind using the power of sound, fungi, and energy work

Take the next step in your Evolution